Monday, September 23, 2013

#8 - Ehow - Learn how something works - New to You

One way to stay fresh is to keep learning new things.  I love the depository of new things to learn that is  While they monetize the site and some sponsored links appear you can still find useful tips from real contributors who share their step by step guides on how to do just about anything.

Today, I wander on to learn "How to make a coffee table book".  I need this information as I have just pitched such a book to a local publisher.  We will start the call this month and collect images for the book over the next 2 months and I needed to compare what my expectations were of taking on such a project with what others may see as the logical flow.  This easy research can help me avoid skipping steps or underestimating any details.  My research has shown that many partners are interested in the project and I have someone to curate the submissions so those elements are on target. I have a theme I know well, trusted partners, a graphic designer who has the same vision as I do and a timeline that is realistic.  I just have to make sure the publisher I have chosen can help with proofreading the final texts, sales and promotion of the book and I hope to have all greenlights to go ahead at the end of the month.  There are also many resources to get estimates of how much such an undertaking would cost to DIY (do-it-yourself) as alternatives also need investigating.

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