Thursday, October 1, 2015

Entry #5 - CULTURE in a box

In this entry we try to supersize Barbie and put Culture in a box.  The Classic Ken or Barbie doll come in many variations including the international collection which has the iconic dolls dressed up in costumes to represent different cultures from around the world.  This is the starting point and each student was assigned a different country.  I chose to use Scottish Barbie as my starting point with the task of coming up with 5 items to include in her box that would represent Scotland and its culture.

I then for this blog to on the challenge to add Scottish Ken as her cultural counterpart...
and somehow like a peacock he is more decorative than his Barbie counterpart.  The 5 items we would add for the pair to enhance their cultural representation of their homeland, in this case Scotland would be...

Book of Poetry by Robert Burns
Robert Burns Book - Select Poems   

A Classic Flask for carrying assorted beverages in style
and instrument of choice, the bagpipes


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